This weeks challenge words are Peek-a-boo and Dirty. Now that is a combination sure to get hits on your stat counters! Our Hostess for the WWC is the currently distraught (over wedding plans gone awry) Tink over at Pickled Beef. If you would like to join in the fun, drop over and see her for details.
The setting sun playing peek-a-boo.
I could tell you this was the rising sun playing too, but alas, it's not.
But Oriental Dragons play Peek-a-boo!
As do Garden Foxes.
This is one of the new pots my friend got for the front yard and it is already dirty!
Oops! I really need to clean that dirty fan....
This is not dirty. It is an old chair that was used in the workshop to hold items that needed painting, or whatever & it was left outside to the elements for a season or two. Those of you familiar with The Bag Lady know she is my sister and she blogged about her "used to be matching" stool - she stripped it and then painted it and now it looks really good.
I threw this one in even though it is all blurry, just because it is so funny!
If you would like to see photos from more of the WWC people, we have a group page over at Flickr. My own Flickr page is here.
Thanks for dropping by.
Gorgeous sunset. Loved the dragon and fox.
Nice work using the fan and light fixture.
Another fine entry, Reb. Good for you.
Good job! I meant to send you a photo to use for dirty, but didn't get around to it. Oh well.
Loved the peek-a-boo fox!
wow, that cat looks pissed!
I love that first picture, girl. Liquid gold...
Leah, thanks! Today is cleaning day.
Sis, you should have used it yourself and joined the fun! Thanks.
Gary, I think he is really tired of me using him as a model ;)
Tink, thanks that is my favorite.
I love the dragon peeking around that pole at us. Great shot!
Thanks Jay, I liked that one too.
lol love the dragon and fox :-)
Gee - I have all the same dirty stuff you do at my house! I love the fox and the dragon - really nifty photos.
Thanks Janet, my cat just was not co-operative this week, so had to get my friends statuary.
Chatty, yeah, funny how that stuffs builds up without you even noticing eh? Thanks.
Those are way cool. And I'm glad you threw in the kitty. Some of my favorite pictures of my kitty are blurry.
Newt, thanks. Yes, he moves so fast sometimes I think that he knows it will ruin a good picture.
I had to look closely before I realized the fox was a garden statue! The dragon? Perfect!
The expression on your cat's face? Even better.
But my favorite is your first sunset picture.
Very nice photos again. the light fixture looks like another planet :)
Kcinnova, that is my favorite too. Thanks.
G-man, thanks, it does sort of.
That first shot is stunning, Reb. And I can see I'm not alone with loving that dragon pic. Great stuff!
Hilary, thanks! I love that first shot too.
What a funny shot of Sibu! The sunset photos are breathtaking, I love the molten colors against the shadows.
Cute fox too--that's one critter I haven't found in my yard :)
Thanks Jo, he makes me laugh so many times, just from the expression on his face. I hope you don't see one in your garden, unless it is resin like this one.
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