
So many books to choose from!

Avatar Lore tagged my cousin Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail for a meme. She in turn left it open, so I thought I would throw in my offering. The object is to turn to page 123 of the nearest book and write down the first five complete sentences.

From page 123 of The Patriot by Nigel Tranter

Those were the most grievously unhappy months of Andrew's life. Having a man's death on his conscience was like a leaden weight all his waking hours. He belaboured himself for letting his temper take control of him and for having failed Monmouth, set his hand to a task, however reluctantly and then had to throw it up and flee ignominiously, leaving others to the test. All savour was gone from living, the future not only uncertain and dark but pointless.

His outlook was by no means lightened when, about a month after his arrival, a ship from Bristol brought news from England, desperate news.

Well, there you have it, five sentences from very good book. I now have to re-read it, before I re-shelve it again, it has simple been too long since the last time. I hope you enjoyed. I too will leave it open for any who would like to play.

Good evening.


Leah J. Utas said...

Hey Reb, thanks for playing.

Reb said...

It was fun!

the Bag Lady said...

Cool, Reb! Sounds like a good choice, and you should re-read it. A good book deserves to be read over and over.

Reb said...

I've always thought so too Sis.

Lois Karlin said...

Sorry Reb, I called the cat a Maine Coon on WomenOfMystery.net, but it's clear now it's a Himalayan (him? her?) Gorgeous! I lived in Edmonton years ago...have I told you that before? I spread this news around the internet whenever anyone mentions it, so there's no telling. Sounds like a good read........Lois

Reb said...

Hi Lois. Yes it is a very good read. I have enjoyed quite a number of his novels. Yes, Sibu is a him.