
Photo Finish Friday: Longing

I have been in a blue funk lately, so I am hoping a photo of spring blossoms will help. It's snowing outside (for the last two days) after having been warm enough before then to have melted most of our snow - sigh...

Have a good weekend all.

PFF is the creation of Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


Leah J. Utas said...

Sorry to hear about the blue funk. It's supposed to perk up, weatherwise, in a few days.

Lovely pic.

Reb said...

Thanks Leah, I hope it does. Don't know what is causing the funk though.

messymimi said...

Snow after it started to look like spring would make me a bit blue, too.

Hope the sunshine comes back to cheer you soon.

Reb said...

Thanks Messymimi, I hope so too.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Blossoms would make me happy, too. I'm told to not expect any prior to April here.

the Bag Lady said...

Hope the blue funk disappears soon... and the snow, too!

Reb said...

Karen, April is still sooner than we get them here. I have a feeling we are in for more white stuff before we see a true spring.

Sis, me too. It has been such a weird year though, I dunno.

Hilary said...

Sorry to hear about the mood, Reb. Maybe it will help to tell it to just funk off...

David Cranmer said...

I hate those blue funks! Shake 'em, I say. (Easier said than done.)

Reb said...

Hilary, wish that it was that easy ;)

David, I been trying...the last few days of sunshine have helped.