
Photo Finish Friday: What was old is new again

This is the Alberta Hotel, newly reconstructed in downtown Edmonton. It stood on this spot from 1903 - 1984, when it was taken down, piece by piece to be later rebuilt. The pink building that you can see behind it in the second photo is the reason for all that work. That is Canada Place and they needed the room in order to build it. Canada Place opened in 1988 and 23 years later, they have finally gotten around to rebuilding the Alberta Hotel.

This is a local photographers Flicker account of the reconstruction, take a minute to have a look (his shots are much better than mine). The only article I can find on it is here.

Have a good weekend all.

PFF is the creation of Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad they FINALLY rebuilt it!

We have an old hotel here that has been renovated after falling into disrepair. I'm going to have to go there and take photos.

Leah J. Utas said...

The Alberta Hotel is much better looking than Canada Place.
Good pics, Reb.

the Bag Lady said...

Good shots, sis. I'm glad they finally got around to rebuilding!

messymimi said...

Delays, delays. Humph.

Glad it's back, the old stuff may need to move over for new things, but it shouldn't just be dinked around with that way.

Reb said...

Karen, it is nice that someone finally remembered to do something about it. Yes! Go forth and photograph :)

Leah, I like both, they each have their attractions, but yeah, the hotel is nicer ;) Thanks.

Thanks Sis. Me too.

Messymimi, you are so right.

Dianne said...

I especially love the 2nd shot with that wonderful rounded corner

Reb said...

Thanks Dianne.

Hilary said...

That's pretty quick by some standards. ;)

That second shot is nicely composed.

Reb said...

Thanks Hilary. Yes, I suppose it is.