

This was a fun day we had sometime in the '70's! We managed to stuff Dad back into his R.C.N.V.R. Uniform - even though he couldn't get the top done up, the pants were fine! Mom even swooned all over again!

I am proud that my dad, a landlocked-farm-boy, volunteered to join the Navy during WWII. He spent a lot of time feeding the fish in the Atlantic.

I am happy to take the time today to remember all the men and women that have sacrificed their lives, that we may live the lifestyles that we have today.


Leah J. Utas said...

Great photo, Reb. I'm proud of your dad, too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we spent 2 minutes of silence at 11:11am today.
LOVE the picture! Priceless!

Reb said...

Thanks Leah.

Karen, it was a lot of fun that day.

messymimi said...

What a happy, fun memory! People like your father were amazing and brave.

Reb said...

Thanks Messymimi.

Dianne said...

I love the photo Reb
Mom swooning is priceless
what a treasure this photo is

the Bag Lady said...

That was a fun day! I had forgotten about that picture - nice to see it again.

Reb said...

Thanks Dianne, it is.

Sis, I wondered if you had a copy.

Hilary said...

What a fun photo. Your parents were quite the characters. My gratitude to your dad. And am I wrong in seeing a strong resemblance between your mom and your sister?

Reb said...

Thanks Hilary. Not wrong at all.