
Photo Finish Friday: drive-by shooting

I liked how this tower looked in the dusk.

Have a good weekend all.

PFF is the creation of Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


Leah J. Utas said...

Fine eye you've got, Reb. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Like a series of arrows pointing up!

Hope you are healing quickly ♥

Dianne said...

I love how other worldly it appears

so glad you're feeling well and that you have such great friends :)

the Bag Lady said...

Cool! (But I have to admit, for just a second, your title gave me pause, mostly because of all the homicides in your fair city!)

messymimi said...

Makes me want to soar above it all.

Reb said...

Thanks Leah.

Karen, I am, thanks.

Dianne, just a bit eerie. Thanks I am so lucky.

Sis, yeah, but it is still a lot safer than almost everywhere else.

Me too, Messymimi!

Crabby McSlacker said...

Love the pun in the title, and what a great shot--something I wouldn't have even have noticed in real life. That's what makes great photographers.

So glad you're back after your surgery, and hope the recovery's going well!

Reb said...

Thanks Crabby. I really liked the light, the tower was a bonus.

Hilary said...

You've a good eye, Reb. The light and the tower make a fine shot.

Reb said...

Thanks Hilary