
Photo Finish Friday: Dragonfly

We had a picnic in the park the other day and while photographing a plant for my friend, this handsome fellow chose to land nearby. You can see his wings are a bit tattered, it was a very windy day. Amazingly this was shot with my only lens, the 18-55.

Have a good weekend all.

PFF is the creation of Leah over at The Goat's Lunch Pail.


Leah J. Utas said...

Excellent capture, Reb. Your lens is fine.

the Bag Lady said...

Wonderful! We have had some monster dragonflies this year, but I haven't managed to get any pictures.

messymimi said...

A handsome specimen.

Reb said...

Thanks Leah, I was quite surprised.

Sis, this is the first one I have seen that has stayed still.

Thanks Messymimi.

David Cranmer said...

Super shot, Reb.

Dianne said...

rough around the edges yet still a beauty
great catch :)

Anonymous said...

Great capture, Reb!
~Karen (formerly kcinnova)

Reb said...

Thanks David.

Diane, yes, just a bit. Thanks.

Karen, thanks.

Hilary said...

It must be a fine lens. Lovely shot, Reb. We saw a lot of these guys up at the cottage last week.

Reb said...

Hilary it is just the lens that came with the camera, which is why I am so pleased.