From my patio window, you can see the big fir trees and open expanse of the school yard that made me chose this apartment over others in the complex. This building and this side are the most desirable for just that reason.
My little kitchen window looks more directly on the soccer pitch, and yes, I have had the occasional ball hit my wall and plants.
As you can see my bedroom is right beside the stairs/entrance to the building. This is why I have a fan running all year round at night. I am also in direct line with the Narnia light pole, so have dark drapes over my blinds and still don't need to turn on a light at night if I get up.
This is the second snow we have had this year and I don't think it will last anymore than the first one did. Maybe that is wishful thinking though.
Have a good day all.
Reb, I really like the moodiness of the pics. Bare trees and lamp posts have a lot of character and you did well in bringing it out.
Thanks Leah.
Cool! You are lucky to live on the side of the building that faces out - much better than looking at another building in the complex!
Sis, yes, at least I have the illusion of not being crowded in a city.
Your view is limited, but lovely. I like the tranquility of your pics - -surprising since that's a school next door.
Quilly, thanks. It can sometimes be a bit noisy.
Is that snow????!!
The photos are excellent. The view is pretty nice too.
And here you had me thinking I would be seeing parking lots! No, instead I see a lovely dusting of snow, a scene right out of Narnia, and trees. I wouldn't call that boring at all. (And hey, free entertainment whenever there is a game, right?)
I am a big fan (pun unintended) of white noise. My husband must be, too -- he says my CPAP machine sounds like the ocean.
Thanks for playing along!♥
Sadly Jay, it is! Thanks.
Kcinnova, I would still rather be looking different directions, but that's life. I wish I could afford a proper white noise set up...the fan is a bit chilly some nights.
you have beautiful views!!
I love when it snows enough to make things pretty and then goes away
Thanks Dianne. I wish it would snow like that all winter!
I'm envious of that pretty snow!
Hey Reb,
Does anyone string lights on that gorgeous tree at Christmas time?
Aleta, want to trade places with me for the rest of winter?
Terrie, sadly, no. The complex decorates each entrance and most of the tenants do their own balconies though.
Hi Reb, I’ve come via Jay, he likes to spread the love around. You have beautiful open spaces to enjoy! I feel sorry for you with the snow though. I live in southern Spain so it still climbs to 70 or 80 most days. Although it is a desert climate, so at night or on cloudy days, the temps can plummet.
This is a pretty cool blog you’ve got going on over here!!
Hi Scott, thanks for dropping by. This snow is nothing, so far, but we will survive. I would love to see Spain someday.
Ack you Albertans and your October snow! You truly do have a fine view for an apartment, Reb.. snow or otherwise. Thanks for show us around the joint. :)
Thanks Hilary.
Lovely!!! :)
Too Lazy To Switch Accounts...
Aunt Jackie
Thanks AJ, I still knew it was you ;)
The trees and school yard provide a sense of freedom while still in a city. Lovely.
They sure do Barbara.
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